Clasquin: Exclusive Negotiations With SAS, Subsidiary of MSC


Mr. Yves REVOL and OLYMP, controlling shareholders of Clasquin SA (Paris:ALCLA), announced that they have entered into exclusive negotiations with SAS Shipping Agencies Services Sàrl (“SAS”), a subsidiary of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company SA, world leader in maritime transport and logistics, with a view to the sale of all of their shares representing 42% of the share capital of Clasquin SA.

This exclusivity has been granted by Mr. Yves REVOL and OLYMP following the receipt of a non-binding offer from SAS, , in order to allow the latter to carry out an audit of Clasquin SA and the companies of its Group.

Subject to the positive conclusions of this audit, SAS would grant Mr. Yves REVOL and OLYMP a put option during the first quarter of 2024. The purchase price of the shares would be determined on the basis of an enterprise value of €325 million and after taking into account adjustments to be agreed between the parties.

The final legal documentation relating to the acquisition would be concluded after completion of the information and consultation procedures with the relevant employee representative bodies.

The completion of the transaction would be subject to obtaining clearances from the competent authorities, including competition clearances.

Following the acquisition of the controlling shareholdings of Mr. Yves REVOL and OLYMP, SAS would file a public tender offer with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) for the remaining shares in the capital of Clasquin SA.

The Clasquin Group would continue to operate its activities with its teams and under the Group’s brands (Clasquin, Timar, LCI-Clasquin Cargolution, CVL, Exaciel in particular).

Clasquin SA will inform the market in due course of the progress of the discussions.


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