Diana Announces Time Charter Contract for m/v G. P. Zafirakis


Diana Shipping announced that, through a separate wholly-owned subsidiary, it has entered into a time charter contract with Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha, Tokyo, for one of its Capesize dry bulk vessels, the m/v G. P. Zafirakis.

The gross charter rate is US$26,800 per day, minus a 5.00% commission paid to third parties, for a period of minimum twenty-three (23) months to maximum twenty-six (26) months. The charter is expected to commence on September 9, 2024. The m/v G. P. Zafirakis was chartered, as previously announced, to Solebay Shipping Cape Company Limited, Hong Kong, at a gross charter rate of US$17,000 per day, minus a 5.00% commission paid to third parties.

The “G. P. Zafirakis” is an 179,492 dwt Capesize dry bulk vessel built in 2014.

The employment of “G. P. Zafirakis” is anticipated to generate approximately US$18.49 million of gross revenue for the minimum scheduled period of the time charter.