EU cuts 2021/22 wheat crop forecast to 127.2 mln T


The European Commission on Thursday cut its forecast of usable production of common wheat in European Union’s 27 member countries in 2021/22 to 127.2 million tonnes from 127.7 million estimated last month.

That compared with a 2020/21 crop of 117.2 million tonnes, the Commission’s monthly supply and demand data showed.

The Commission kept unchanged its outlook for EU common wheat exports in 2021/22 at 30 million tonnes. That compared with an expected estimate of 27.3 million tonnes in the 2020/21 season that ended on June 30.

Projected usable barley production in the EU in 2021/22 was raised to 52.9 million tonnes, compared to 52.6 million tonnes last month, while maize output was cut to 71 million tonnes from 72.8 million last month.

Expected EU maize imports were increased to 14.5 million tonnes for 2021/22 compared to 14 million tonnes last month, the data showed.

In oilseeds, the Commission cut its estimate of rapeseed imports in 2021/22 to 5.7 million tonnes from 6.0 million, but kept unchanged its EU rapeseed production estimate at 16.9 million tonnes.

Source: Reuters