Massport announces completion of major Boston Port improvements


The Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) has announced the completion of critical infrastructure investments as part of a nearly $850 million plan to upgrade the Port of Boston.

“With a deepened Boston Harbor and modern container facilities, the Port of Boston is providing greater global connections for Massachusetts businesses and supporting thousands of jobs,” said Massport CEO Lisa Wieland.

“None of these infrastructure improvements would have been possible without the leadership and support of our Federal, State, and local elected officials and the business community.”

Completed Infrastructure Projects

  • Butler Freight Corridor, a dedicated truck route to keep container trucks off residential roadways and allow trucks to access the highway system in minutes;
  • New 50-foot-deep berth, to accommodate the new cranes and larger ships;
  • Three ship-to-shore cranes, to serve ships carrying up to 14,000 TEUs;
  • The new cranes are fully electric, and produce no diesel emissions;
  • Boston Harbor Dredging, a multi-year, multi-phase partnership between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Massport and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to deepen the main ship channel and Reserved Channel to -47 feet and the outer harbor to -51 feet, and expand the Turning Basin for larger vessels; and
  • Other terminal improvements: including new rubber-tire gantry cranes, expanded container storage and new refrigerated container racks.