Seanergy Provides Guidance on TCE, EBITDA


Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp. updated its time charter equivalent guidance upwards for the fourth quarter of 2021, provided preliminary TCE guidance for the first quarter of 2022, as well as EBITDA projections for FY 2022.

TCE Guidance

In the fourth quarter of 2021, the Company is expected to exceed an average TCE rate of approximately $36,000 per ship per day, outperforming our previously announced guidance of $35,200 per ship per day.

As of the date of this press release, our estimated TCE rate for the first quarter of 2022 is expected to be approximately $19,0004. This estimate assumes that the remaining unfixed operating days of our index-linked vessels for this period will be equal to the average Forward Freight Agreement (“FFA”) rate of $13,500 per day. Our TCE guidance for the first quarter includes certain conversions of index-linked charters to fixed, which were concluded in the third and fourth quarter of 2021, as part of our freight hedging strategy.

Stamatis Tsantanis, the Company’s Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, stated:

“As a result of our pro-active hedging strategy in 2H21, we estimate that we will overperform the current spot market rate by approximately 50% in the first quarter. Moreover, our robust EBITDA generating capacity in multiple freight environments attests to our firm belief that our shares are currently significantly undervalued.

“Despite the seasonal market weakness, we expect that supply and demand fundamentals will result in a strong recovery of Capesize rates within the following months. Our solid balance sheet, modern fleet and strong relationships with world leading charterers in combination with our substantial operating leverage place Seanergy in an optimal position to generate strong revenues and profitability in an improving charter rate environment.”